This aims to be a comprehensive guide to Atomium, an open source project that provides support for creating atom feed clients and servers.


  • Java and Scala implementations with documentation

  • partial support for clients (feed consumers), currently scala only

  • support for servers (feed producers)

  • support for different types of feed stores: relation databases or NoSQL (currently Mongo)

  • JSON data format in addition to the standard Atom xml syndication format.

Api documentation

Scaladoc documentation is available here.

Atomium client

Scala client

The client library provides the necessary classes to consume and process an atom feed. The library provides a feed processor that when offered feed pages can consume them.

The library user is still responsible for:

  • providing a feed provider: i.e. a class responsible for fetching the feed from the server

  • persisting the latest feed position

Atomium does not provide an implementation of a feed provider for now, so you must provide your own implementation.

You have the choice of implementing either a synchronous or asynchronous feed provider:

  • synchronous feed provider

Extend the trait be.wegenenverkeer.atomium.FeedProvider and implement the following methods:

   * Fetch the first page of the feed.
   * @return the first page of the feed.
  def fetchFeed(initialEntryRef: Option[EntryRef[E]] = None): Try[Feed[E]]

   * Fetch a specific page of the feed.
   * @param pageUrl the page
   * @return a page of the feed
  def fetchFeed(pageUrl: String): Try[Feed[E]]
  • asynchronous feed provider

Extend the trait be.wegenenverkeer.atomium.async.AsyncFeedProvider and implement the following methods:

   * Fetch the first page of the feed.
   * @return the first page of the feed.
  def fetchFeed(initialEntryRef: Option[EntryRef[E]] = None): Future[Feed[E]]

   * Fetch a specific page of the feed.
   * @param pageUrl the page
   * @return a page of the feed
  def fetchFeed(pageUrl: String): Future[Feed[E]]

Add dependency

Declaring the dependency in a Maven build file (i.e., pom.xml)
Declaring the dependency in a SBT build file (i.e., build.sbt)
libraryDependencies += "be.wegenenverkeer" %% "atomium-client-scala" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

Atomium server

The server modules provide support for creating a server that allows you to publish Atom feeds.

The server part consists of the following modules:

  • server

  • server-jdbc

  • server-slick

  • server-mongo

  • server-play

The server library provides a feed service. A feed service can be used to

  • add new elements to the feed

  • retrieve a page of the feed

Feed service

A feed service is not responsible for the actual persistence of the entries and pages in feeds, this is delegated to a feed store.

The feed service implementation is written in Scala, but the library also provides a Java wrapper.

Feed pages provide 'previous' and 'next' links by which a client can navigate through the whole feed.

Following a 'previous' link will move forwards through the feed, this means moving towards the head of the feed and this will retrieve more recent feed entries.

Following a 'next' link will move backwards through the feed, this means moving towards the last page of the feed and this will retrieve older feed entries.

So, although it might seem counter-intuitive, the most recent entries are found on the first page while the oldest feed entries are found on the last page.

This is compatible with the way Eventstore and AtomPUB handle paging.

So there are two strategies to iterate and consume a complete feed:

  • You can either request the 'first' page with the most recent entries and follow the 'next' links to consume the whole feed.

  • Or you can request the 'last' page from the feed, containing the oldest entries and follow the 'prev' links to arrive at the most recent entries.

If you want to follow a live stream of events then you should use the second option and keep following the 'prev' links. When you reach the head of a feed you will receive a feed document that does not have any 'prev' link. This document will however have a 'self' link. You can then continue polling this URI (the self link), until new entries appear in the feed document and/or a new page is started and a 'prev' link is available.

Feed store

A feed store is responsible for the persistence of feeds. There are currently three implementations:

  • a feed store that stores data in a relational database using plain JDBC

  • a feed store that stores data in a relational database using Slick, a functional relational mapper for Scala

  • a feed store that stores data in a Mongo database

The persistence libraries, except for the slick library, provide a Scala and Java variant. The Java implementation is a simple wrapper around the Scala implementation.

There is also an AbstractFeedStore base class that can be used to implement your own feedStore implementation, using your own persistence technology. If you are planning on making your own FeedStore implementation then using this class will make sure that the paging (providing 'next'/'previous' links) works correctly.


All feed stores inherit from AbstractFeedStore which makes sure that the paging works correctly.

The paging for Atomium works as follows.

First a FeedService is always instantiated with the desired pageSize. This is the maximum number of entries that can be present in a single feed page.

Feed entries stored in a feed store must have a sequence number assigned to them. More recent entries will have a higher sequence number than older entries. However the sequence is allowed to have gaps, so some sequence numbers might be missing.

Links in atom feed documents will always have the following structure: /xxx/forward/yy or /xxx/backward/yy where xxx is a sequence number and yy is the pagesize

In both cases the xxx sequence number is exclusive and will never be returned in the feed page when you follow such a link.

  • /xxx/forward/yy means the first yy entries with a sequence number strictly higher than xxx

  • xxx/backward/yy means the first yy entries with a sequence number strictly lower then xxx

The link to the 'last' page of the feed, containing the oldest entries will be /0/forward/yy, assuming the oldest entry of the feed has sequence number 1.

If you implement an AbstractFeedStore and implement the following methods then the paging will just work:

   * @return one less than the minimum sequence number used in this feed
  def minId: Long

   * @return the maximum sequence number used in this feed or minId if feed is empty
  def maxId: Long

   * @param sequenceNr sequence number to match
   * @param inclusive if true include the specified sequence number
   * @return the number of entries in the feed with sequence number lower than specified
  def getNumberOfEntriesLowerThan(sequenceNr: Long, inclusive: Boolean = true): Long

   * retrieves the most recent entries from the feedstore sorted in descending order
   * @param count the amount of recent entries to return
   * @return a list of FeedEntries. a FeedEntry is a sequence number and its corresponding entry
   *         and sorted by descending sequence number
  def getMostRecentFeedEntries(count: Int): List[FeedEntry]

   * Retrieves entries with their sequence numbers from the feed
   * @param start the starting entry (inclusive), MUST be returned in the entries
   * @param count the number of entries to return
   * @param ascending if true return entries with sequence numbers >= start in ascending order
   *                else return entries with sequence numbers <= start in descending order
   * @return the corresponding entries sorted accordingly
  def getFeedEntries(start:Long, count: Int, ascending: Boolean): List[FeedEntry]

JDBC Feed store

The atomium-server-jdbc module provides a feed store implementation that stores the feeds in a relational database.

Add dependency

Declaring the dependency in a Maven build file (i.e., pom.xml)
Declaring the dependency in a SBT build file (i.e., build.sbt)
libraryDependencies += "be.wegenenverkeer" %% "atomium-server-jdbc" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

The JDBC feedstore uses the following tables:

One table containing all the entries for each feed provided by the system. Each feed entries table MUST be manually created in the database.

Each entries table MUST have the following columns:

  • "id" ⇒ an auto-incrementing unique id of each entry in a specific feed

  • "uuid" ⇒ a UUID generated by the server for uniquely referencing an entry

  • "value" ⇒ a string containing the serialized feed entry

  • "timestamp" ⇒ timestamp when the entry was added to the feed

Slick Feed store

The atomium-server-slick module provides a feed store implementation that stores the feeds in a relational database using Slick, a functional relational mapper for Scala

Add dependency

Declaring the dependency in a Maven build file (i.e., pom.xml)
Declaring the dependency in a SBT build file (i.e., build.sbt)
libraryDependencies += "be.wegenenverkeer" %% "atomium-server-slick" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

The Slick feedstore requires the same table layout as the JDBC feedstore.

Mongo Feed store

The atomium-server-mongo module provides a feed store implementation that stores the feeds in a [Mongo NoSQL database.

Add dependency

Declaring the dependency in a Maven build file (i.e., pom.xml)
Declaring the dependency in a SBT build file (i.e., build.sbt)
libraryDependencies += "be.wegenenverkeer" %% "atomium-server-mongo" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

Play server support

The atomium-server-play module provides support for serving feeds from a Play application.

Add dependency

Declaring the dependency in a Maven build file (i.e., pom.xml)
Declaring the dependency in a SBT build file (i.e., build.sbt)
libraryDependencies += "be.wegenenverkeer" %% "atomium-server-play" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

Atomium provides a be.wegenenverkeer.atom.FeedSupport trait, which you can extend in your Play controller classes to make a well behaved atom feed HTTP server, supporting ETags and setting correct HTTP caching headers.

Take a look at the EventController and/or StringController for details on how to use it.

JSON data format

While the atom specification only describes an xml data format, atomium also supports a JSON data format.

The format is pretty straight forward:

The feed page is a JSON object, containing the following:


a JSON string representing a permanent, universally unique identifier for the feed. Same as atom:id


a JSON string representing the base URI used for resolving any relative references. Same as xml:base attribute of feed element.


a JSON string containing a human-readable title for the feed. Same as atom:title


a JSON string identifying the agent used to generate a feed, for debugging and other purposes. Same as atom:generator


JSON string representing a ISO8601 formatted date and time indicating the most recent instant in time when an feed was modified in a way the publisher considers significant. Same as atom:updated


a JSON array containing links to other pages in the feed (see below)


a JSON array containing feed entry details

Each link from the JSON links array is a JSON object containing the following:


JSON string representing the link relation, either 'prev', 'next', 'first', 'last' or 'self'


JSON string: the link URI (may be relative)

Each entry from the JSON entries array is a JSON object containing the following:


a JSON string representing a permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry. Same as atom:id


a JSON string representing ISO8601 formatted date and time indicating the instant in time when an entry was added. Same as atom:updated


the actual content of the entry, might be any JSON type: f.e. a JSON string, number or possibly another JSON object.


an empty JSON array. not used at the moment.